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S A N   F R A N C I S C O ’ S
L I T E R A R Y   F E S T I V A L


Litquake’s diverse live programs aim to inspire critical engagement with the key issues of the day, bring people together around the common humanity encapsulated in literature, and perpetuate a sense of literary community by providing a vibrant forum for Bay Area writing. Because we believe in literature as a public good, we work to produce events that are accessible to all.

Stacked Books


In addition to our annual October literary festival, Litquake runs year-round events, including readings, discussions, performances, and other on-going programs.



Death of the Author: Nnedi Okorafor with Faith Adiele

Through 31 MARCH

Litquake 2025 Call for Submissions


Litquake Festival 2025


Listen to Our Latest Episode: Porchlight Storytelling 2023: Tricks Up My Sleeve

Another from the archives! A staple of Litquake for nearly two decades, the Bay Area’s long-running Porchlight storytelling series returned once again to Litquake Festival 2023 for this special edition, featuring tales on the theme of Tricks Up My Sleeve: Invisible Magic. With authors Derrick Brown, Dorothy Lazard, Dominic Lim, Ahmed Naji, and Dan Stuart. Porchlight is co-hosted as always by Arline Klatte and Beth Lisick, and with music by Marc Capelle.

"Litquake is the joyous soul of San Francisco."

—Litquake attendee

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